Why do I need to use the Buddy Ball Band?
A ball or Pilates/yoga ball is used for stretching, muscle strengthening and maintaining a proper posture. Gym Balls are made up of soft elastic rubber which is filled with air. Depending on the height of a body, the Gym Ball is available in different sizes.
Reasons to buy a Ball
Some reasons to buy a Pilates Ball are as follow:
1. Buddy Ball Helps in Toning our Muscles and Figure
Sitting on a Gym Ball is a workout to manage your balance. The muscles of the knees, hips and ankles will naturally contract while doing this exercise. This exercise strengthens your deep muscles and the spine. If you use the Gym Ball 15 minutes a day regularly, without even realizing it you will improve the toning of your muscles and figure.
2. Helps to Maintain Body Posture
The Ball with the Band is an outstanding way to get back your body posture. Your posture will improve with Buddy Ball Band. Exercise with Buddy Ball Band helps you to improve the support your body to have better mobility because it focuses on the pelvic area and the core.
3. Helps in Building Good Body Balance
When you exercise with Buddy Ball Band, you maintain your body balance and posture. Maintaining stability with the Buddy Ball Band increases your concentration and self-control too.
4. Other Benefits of Gym Ball
Gym Ball is brilliant in building your abs. The muscle of the lower limbs will contract if you maintain a seated position. This helps in strengthening your abs muscles. Gym Ball helps to improve our circulatory system and general state of heath. It strengthens our back muscles and helps us to gain tone, energy and power.
5. It Will Help you to sleep better!
Some of the benefits reported by the users of BBB are better sleep if you do at least 15 minutes before going to bed. Also you will feel refreshed and in good mood.
Buddy Ball Band is a revolutionary concept. This is why we included the Buddy Ball Band system in the Synapse Program.