Our BBB Trainers
If you want to be a trainer please email us buddyballcontact@gmail.com to be added to our group of trainers.
Sandra Cano, California
Fitness Trainer, Zumba instructor and Choreographer.

Kenia Sallangou, London England.
Join Kenia Sallangou class. She is now a Buddy Ball Band Fit instructor and also a Pilates teacher.
Kenia is from Venezuela and she LOVES a healthy lifestyle and is also specialized in Nutrition and Dieting.
She is a great dancer and lives with her husband and teenage daughter near London.
Follow Kenia in Instagram under the.food.nutrition.coach for her tips and classes with the BBB Fit.
Ginelle Ruffa Pilates teacher, dancer, Fitness Trainer, Model and was Miss Florida too.
She has a great knowledge of the body as a dancer but her trainings are hard core for your body, mind and soul.
She teaches BBB in the Moviing app.
Moviing App
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